No one gets things right all the time. Even your therapist. But, think for a moment about a time when you made a mistake with someone, said or did the wrong thing, and then recovered.
Likely, your relationship was stronger after the mistake. Often, this is how trust forms. In therapy, mistakes or ruptures can look like saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, giving advice instead of staying curious and reflective, seeing something from conflicting perspectives, or having a reaction that later feels regrettable or vulnerable in some way.
When there is a willingness to work through these types of ruptures a powerful therapeutic relationship can form, which facilitates deep healing. The skills built in therapy in this way can transfer to other relationships, bringing confidence, empowerment and trust into more areas of one’s life.
I bring to my work a commitment to healthy rupture and repair. For me, this means being very open to feedback, holding curiosity about my reactions and responses, reflective inquiry with peers and consultants about my growth edges, and knowing how to recognize (and take accountability for) my mistakes in order to ensure that whenever possible, my missteps may lead to improved trust, confidence and safety within your therapy. With this stance, I am also able to create a safe space for clients to take risks, knowing there will be deep respect and acceptance and opportunities to repair and recover at every stage of the process.